Saturday, December 25, 2010

I sat in Church on Christmas eve thinking of my mom. For years she sat in the pew next to me and sang the familiar carols. She left us in the summer of 2009.

I thought of my Uncle Ron. He was a UCC minister for many years in Maine. He led many a Christmas eve service He left us in the fall of this year.

Cancer claimed them both. It amazes me how life changes. I'm sure I'm not the first to ever realize this or comment on it. Strange how things carry on for years, traditions develop and then.....poof!

I know this isn't a very cheerful Christmas message, but I was thinking last night how it's just not fair. Year after year after year you observe the holidays in a certain way, only to have it end.

To leave you on a lighter note, it was fun to sit in my house as midnight approached. My wife read "Polar Express" to the kids and then I read "Twas the Night Before Christmas." I imagined them continuing this tradition with their kids.

I also wondered if my mom and my Uncle were together in Heaven celebrating the holiday and looking down on us. At least they were finally pain-free and hopefully had fun looking down on out chaos and clutter.

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