Friday, December 3, 2010

Sorry chap, don't care!

I'm getting sick of all the Royal Wedding Coverage and they're not even getting married until next May!

William and Kate are getting married across the pond and the media is just going CRAZZZYYYY! I saw a tweet today that said NBC News is setting up a blog just for the Royal coverage. The Huffington Post had a piece today called the "10 Most Overrated Things of 2010" and there it is! William and Kate's engagement makes the list.

Why are people so attracted to this story? Are they or does the media just THINK they are? I don't know a single person that is ga-ga over this story. My friends and colleagues are happy for them, think they make a nice couple, but that's about it. I guess it's only going to get worse as the countdown continues. Now 6 months away!

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