Monday, October 12, 2009

Stressed about WHAT?

Do you have a dog? Have you ever looked at them as they make their way through the day? I have.

We have a 1-year old Golden Retreiver. His name is Baxter. Baxter has been great since he joined our family just before Christmas last year. He's actually laying right next to me as I type this.Problem is, he has started to dig holes in the backyard and we don't know why. It just started last week, but boy is he having a great time.

I did some research on the internet and found a few different reasons as to why. One site's what dogs do. Another suggested the dog is feeling anxious. That's the one that caught my attention. Anxious about what? Stressed about what?

I think Baxter has a pretty good life. He eats, he sleeps, we walk every day. He has kids that love him and play ball with him. My wife even lets him have MY slippers. I'm not happy with that one. Nothing like slipping your foot into a wet slipper.

I'll be watching him closely over the next few days. If he starts losing his hair, gaining weight, pigging out on fast food or downing a gallon of Hagen Daz after a long day....anyone know a good doggie therapist?

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